Sunday, August 5, 2012

Deployment Journal - Day #22

Still unbelievably sick.  But, had to get some fresh air or I might have died.  So, I harvested some of our garlic and some of our potatoes and made soup.  Very garlicky soup.  And I ate a huge bowl, which cleared out my sinuses, for about four minutes.  And then, I laid on the couch, crying silently (because I can't so much as croak) because I was so unspeakably exhausted, and because the dishes were in the sink for a fifth day.  And potatoey dishes are the worst to clean.  Bad, bad me.  

Baby wasn't anywhere near ready for bed, because gosh - she hasn't been properly exercised all week.  But, I had given my 5% capacity to the garden.  Possibly stupidly, but it was too late for self-flagellation.  Still, I had no energy to play with her very entertainingly (she likes it best when I bounce around the room like a caffeinated rabbit, see).

So we watched a movie, and felt horribly guilty that my infant was watching it with me.  All these things I thought I'd never do... And all the people I judged, when they said they were doing things they'd sworn never to do... heh.

But, I hushed my inner critic.  We're staying alive, and I'm pretty sure that's all my husband wants.  We'll attempt ambition tomorrow.

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