Sunday, November 11, 2012

Deployment Journal - Days #113-120

So, we left our home yet again, in an attempt to break up this deployment a bit - and avoid solitude (and crummy weather) over the holidays.  Leaving was no small task.  I was so relieved to be on the plane.  We were both giddy for most of the flight.

But, we arrived amid a crazy slew of baby showers, birthday parties, reenactment festivals, and several dozen people wanting to see us immediately...

Husband, being ever kind and smart, sent us flowers.  Partially for MY birthday.  Partially out of pure sympathy.  

We're very tired at the moment, and trying find our new rhythm - in someone else's house.  Unfortunately, sleeping in the new place isn't working so well for Little One.  Wish us luck.  All children really will sleep eventually... uh, right?

1 comment:

  1. She's sitting like such a big girl in her airplane seat! Ohmyword. So cute!
