Thursday, February 3, 2011

*Addictive* Guacamole


- 1-2 Avocados (ripe, but not-quite-dead/icky-squishy)
- About 1/6 of one juicy lime (give or take a little)
- Mrs. Dash (how could we surive without this stuff?!), to taste
- Seasalt, to taste
- Your favorite tortilla chips


- 1/4 Cup Minced Onion
- 2-3 Cloves of Garlic (squished through This, Our Favorite Gadget)
- Diced roma tomatoes (1/4 cup)

First, slice the avocado in the middle, like so, and remove the "seed" in the middle.  (Trick:  Try quickly spearing/whacking the seed with your knife, to snag it on the blade - then pull gently.  Beats trying to dig it out any other way!)
Then, we recommend you slice them in half, until you have this shape.  Then, peel the skin off easily.  (MUCH easier than shoveling the pulp out with a spoon.  Trust us.)
Next, take about this much lime, and squeeze it until there is no more juice.  (You can obviously adjust the size your slice - all limes are not equally juicy.)
Finally, sprinkle about two shakes of Mrs. Dash, and a few pinches of salt (again, adjust for your own taste), and TA-DA.... you have this!

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